sábado, 12 de mayo de 2018

Innovative teachers!

Innovative teachers!

May 12, 2018. 

Prof. Edward Céspedes

What does the term innovate mean?

From Wikipedia we share the definition of the term. Innovation is a change that introduces novelties. And it refers to modify existing elements in order to improve or renew them, this word comes from the Latin "innovatio" which means "Create something new" is comprised by the prefix "in-" which means "Be in" and " Novus "which means" New "

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Profiles of the innovative teachers.

The innovative teacher is a professional who is not satisfied with how he or she does things, he/she has to put into practice, new ways of doing the work. They uses the Internet, social networks, are constantly in training because they are aware that everyday need new information, new ways, motivating, interested to do their job differently and are interested in their students to get the best of themselves, regardless of the system , or the external factors.

The innovative teacher uses Web 2.0 which is an open and participatory network from where we have migrated from being simple readers of information to information makers. possessor of social networks, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, among others. It is a website to use and develop these powerful tools of Information Technology and Communication.

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In addition to Web 2.0, use the Web. 3.0, which is an update of the previous one, this is the investigative face of information, artificial intelligence and also in technological innovation.

Every innovative teacher must know and master ICTs, in order to use them in the classroom, share knowledge with the students and motivate them to use them in educational field.

Create and practice updating the knowledge he or she has.

Due to the fact that we live in a world of constant changes, like human beings, motors of such changes, we are compelled to continually renew ourselves, and as teachers, we are called to be proponents of the changes needed in our countries, societies, through sharing our knowledge with our students, being knowledge facilitators.

In our country.

The teachers of the Dominican Republic and the world, we have a mission of great importance in our hands, the formation of future generations, which will change our societies for better. We have them face to face every day with us in our classrooms.

As we all know, in traditional education, teachers were the center of attention. In modern education, we became facilitators of knowledge, because we are not longer the "possessor of this". The knowledge is on the web and anyone is able to have it just by clicking.

With the entrance of the Digital Republic to the schools of our country, the culture in the life of the students, teachers, and the educational community in a general ,has changed 360 ° for the wellness of our youth and our country.
Resultado de imagen para republica digital educacion
Teachers and students will be equipped with the necessary technological tools to move from the traditional blackboard, chalk and eraser, to work with laptops, tablets and digital boards.

This is what we all aspire for teachers, students, parents, friends of schools and the entire educational community, that we can improve everyday, the continuing Education of teachers and students, so to improve the quality of education.

May 12, 2018

Professor Edward Céspedes

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Innovative teachers!

Innovative teachers! May 12, 2018.  Prof. Edward Céspedes What does the term innovate mean? From Wikipedia we share the definiti...